{u'rating': 4.9, u'reference': u'ChIJq6qqqhrMSYYRpfFOQAih0Dg', u'place_id': u'ChIJq6qqqhrMSYYRpfFOQAih0Dg', u'utc_offset': -360, u'international_phone_number': u'+1 903-437-8131', u'formatted_address': u'6724 S Broadway Ave Suite 200, Tyler, TX 75703, USA', u'formatted_phone_number': u'(903) 437-8131', u'opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'open': {u'day': 0, u'time': u'0000'}}]}, u'vicinity': u'6724 South Broadway Avenue Suite 200, Tyler', u'business_status': u'OPERATIONAL', u'icon_mask_base_uri': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v2/generic_pinlet', u'website': u'https://mistersparkyeasttx.com/', u'last_fetched': 1737052740, u'user_ratings_total': 631, u'photos': [{u'width': 2538, u'height': 1694, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27w4O7Vva3UJ1Wd7CH6LjjDL63q3iVAAEtMrFRQ0GmXz3SSNDWQ1lzuAtrBnK03Odrbckqp2lno_4Vnz5RhUfYxaWLWFNUV6500WikliOgVg8gE0CYi6mYCpY3YJvqU7l0yeMtTnRMUYW9WnzYxd_Is9_acyDoihXQuhXcJwlZdxSV4s', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 1200, u'height': 1200, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27zZ9r8p0gaTsi7jrhr-2w15fYVUCyzTM6RJITrqYkv39eIfqX5TGHJFDTDuuL9Hvjm_DnuJj8HAjR-UBvsU2FH5NbAKSiYEN9ZazcDpU0p7tDSfbGG-NtJmQL5wxHCWg_pS-2IN5wAcEJ9eb14QBoi-NSbb2i1-9Ed7TdrclkilPus8', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 3024, u'height': 4032, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27y3KhASBkYpFUrrLGwLhabwwJutJ9TYzRQDf1ZqCxYuYi542fm3N5REahyOQ35F3bOjJhSIyPtP7Ue6CnrLFEk5H6-6yIbZ8Lr3l6jPMycOZIkG1jL0Iwr3DebZZHhbbvJKujAQlt7_HrNUTLDy04AFqIEtwBv8velU7toEuUA885kT', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/110151770525672730470">Terry Aycock</a>']}, {u'width': 3840, u'height': 5760, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27y7raSCM4Xu7ZS24YBMBFMWZ32bKc2o4JfRKhzENn9XWuqGAv3IV6KJiOPyX5y9XJZtTwbRq_kuzmo90vqoEFGef8RLx5rVIU5mYw2I7bwO5CpxSD6ZYHwY90YEVO1igbybdXuBY38O4zyVsTR1ddp4t67lSufIeLwBwjy94cTFc8tW', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 4032, u'height': 2268, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27xKHWs4x_HjNMaLUpAJbPqHcQNeT2vC3bSgXRD1rv8sYtZXyjERxM6c5FELg0ZDFOhvdv6QnuGP2Xu2THeBJvpMUOTm2jgdryXXOZSXPFNMttbIzlnQEAyBxD2wZwtpPnSh9kQDJYPEBKGKnnSidGxB8twACldPwGYbbjqhmf6iFfho', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112967374574878885880">BRIAN B</a>']}, {u'width': 2240, u'height': 1495, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27xBIQNeyqP_qbuHfvo5QUTxmFdraI4N4EA1Hdpb-a1PWJ2EJJGlKV_-UFGy0euTLM4jpxEVK6nJcNWrXEpoMen7yr_H-WULwfWWI-UyIy-S5RRg4lTg1yJIuYTNTwDc1NZPWpRhP5qFbhhAmi240uHlZ8mX7gQgZK22LBYp1mz31N-d', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 1919, u'height': 1083, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27wcHTiYYGKd2loIlw_g-7fFRuIWWIinfGPAq-CvPkPD6iyb_gdnedl4fRXADEqrYt8EYAg9DPii8e0h1LXfVN7fNEYHIoMuOuCRxah08vg07dndPf6rvi6pGtsrCa0PFLPGDo06Zv5SeR25qxgx2FRPF0T96salTXm-yi86yiBPJlqN', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 1921, u'height': 1080, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27xpHQd4dhpkXbsGCeOpDPV9FcpCVVVDCIlzD36oH-wLNuA6ozcICkCBsMpaR37d0beSlNFrMiIwoIlGI08Wlu0Fm-gs_w-dq7ZwCvMLc3iBRXK-Zfh7Yw5LG02MQAna1gB9QmDylspbxFmAVSR07MbJ0aaqY0pii57rYHtvxzLyeDsX', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 5472, u'height': 3648, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27wLneTG8_B2KUcTIqwCMWnP5OjG4MhQmtmfwAwrvKZwOSKF2ZwmEpyuyVaJGJpryn3RwVCjg7ptOSaNcLhPZYIPovnchJVV-SHdsAKV95pmViGvJzwkLmmqUqbLzXaIE67zYYWtYfTkCaw6gbNIoD76cLWW-oF9XwuPHA50tFPh_VdH', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112025198689768486441">Mister Sparky of Tyler</a>']}, {u'width': 4128, u'height': 2322, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27wYz3sRCfJHJWMJfeY1GoGNOX1JRCjoD-9SICZ0rDFIFwtEqT9EGocDRd5kd7uc4LoGjLYWG1Nx4OEiA8nFS1peEVBC6T9MYgtxT4JpLaat9JMqNRvtHzgyhgpXbKm4jnfbZie0Ke6-d25zv6dsB3I4j_yj2oOUwOoXx8eOtM_VOOd9', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/106459709163346359905">Russell Zumwalt</a>']}], u'types': [u'electrician', u'point_of_interest', u'establishment'], u'icon': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v1/png_71/generic_business-71.png', u'name': u'Mister Sparky of Tyler', u'url': u'https://maps.google.com/?cid=4093949118090506661', u'adr_address': u'<span class="street-address">6724 S Broadway Ave Suite 200</span>, <span class="locality">Tyler</span>, <span class="region">TX</span> <span class="postal-code">75703</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>', u'whitelabel_id': 462, u'plus_code': {u'compound_code': u'7MGV+3H Tyler, TX, USA', u'global_code': u'86467MGV+3H'}, u'icon_background_color': u'#7B9EB0', u'reviews': [{u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocKxauxalww1KDZ95NEh8lpukjuUFWy8BDnO59351N-ptCrtng=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'I called to set up an appointment and they came out that morning and fixed my problem.\nPaul did a great job and was very professional.\nThis is photos of before and after.\nI am very pleased with the job that was done and will use these folks again and will recommend them to all my family and friends', 'review_content': u'I called to set up an appointment and they came out that morning and fixed my problem.\nPaul did a great job and was very professional.\nThis is photos of before and after.\nI am very pleased with the job that was done and will use these folks again and will recommend them to all my family and friends', u'author_name': u'Scott Cargil', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 3, 21, 4, 4), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Scott Cargil', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1733259844, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113706357461400854381/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLdqRDq4UNx66T5OYxKNQQW6aIKhyoZrqqRWUKTXfqCe2yElw=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Both technicians were polite, straightforward and worked quickly and efficiently. I was able to get an appointment right away. The entire process was smooth and easy to navigate. I really liked that they sent me a picture and text confirmation of the tech that would be showing up to my house.', 'review_content': u'Both technicians were polite, straightforward and worked quickly and efficiently. I was able to get an appointment right away. The entire process was smooth and easy to navigate. I really liked that they sent me a picture and text confirmation of the tech that would be showing up to my house.', u'author_name': u'Morgan MyChelle', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 7, 19, 38, 51), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Morgan MyChelle', u'relative_time_description': u'a week ago', u'time': 1736278731, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/106574939575904051906/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocKml0ETk-HZ8TK1Rpl_rh1sjotgaCi12BzZ4bODQeZQTFnchw=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'I set up an appointment on a Monday for Tuesday at 9 AM and Paul was there at 9. He looked at the work needed and promised to have an estimate that afternoon. I had it before lunch. The cost was very reasonable so I set up an appointment for the next day. Ashton arrived on time and completed the emergency generator transfer switch installation in less than two hours. Great job all the way around. Highly recommend Mister Sparky.', 'review_content': u'I set up an appointment on a Monday for Tuesday at 9 AM and Paul was there at 9. He looked at the work needed and promised to have an estimate that afternoon. I had it before lunch. The cost was very reasonable so I set up an appointment for the next day. Ashton arrived on time and completed the emergency generator transfer switch installation in less than two hours. Great job all the way around. Highly recommend Mister Sparky.', u'author_name': u'Jeff Schwartz', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 21, 15, 39, 23), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Jeff Schwartz', u'relative_time_description': u'3 weeks ago', u'time': 1734795563, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115672578748443840733/reviews'}, {u'rating': 4, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocK_kXgVqd6SwtOWwwHM6N4jLiuR040ldyrUBXNCDdH6Cd0Q9A=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'The two young men, Paul and Ashton, that came out were very professional and pleasant young men. The work done appears to be just fine.\nThe only concern was the cost of re-wiring the GFCI connections. There were two outlets which needed minor adjustments which took a total of 10 minutes to fix. I watched on one of them so I know my calculations are correct. The cost was outrageous: $384.00 for that. That is what the bill notated. The only reason you are not getting 5 stars is because of that.', 'review_content': u'The two young men, Paul and Ashton, that came out were very professional and pleasant young men. The work done appears to be just fine.\nThe only concern was the cost of re-wiring the GFCI connections. There were two outlets which needed minor adjustments which took a total of 10 minutes to fix. I watched on one of them so I know my calculations are correct. The cost was outrageous: $384.00 for that. That is what the bill notated. The only reason you are not getting 5 stars is because of that.', u'author_name': u'Terry Aycock', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 31, 14, 24, 15), 'review_rating': 4, 'review_author': u'Terry Aycock', u'relative_time_description': u'7 months ago', u'time': 1717165455, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/110151770525672730470/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocKBAhacV2Mz7KV48NldypuAlqurzLfeFoJGqw-KZzJJppLHOA=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u"The Ritz Carlton of Electricians! On time, fair pricing, clean cut~ collared shirt, immaculate mannered, utterly patient. I could go on and on...offered to wear booties, sweep up after job. We were so greatly impressed with the professionalism from Ostin. It's so refreshing to have a contractor in your home that cares about it as much as you do. I will now call no other than Mr. Sparky!", 'review_content': u"The Ritz Carlton of Electricians! On time, fair pricing, clean cut~ collared shirt, immaculate mannered, utterly patient. I could go on and on...offered to wear booties, sweep up after job. We were so greatly impressed with the professionalism from Ostin. It's so refreshing to have a contractor in your home that cares about it as much as you do. I will now call no other than Mr. Sparky!", u'author_name': u'Susan Tandy', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 22, 20, 33, 31), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Susan Tandy', u'relative_time_description': u'4 months ago', u'time': 1724358811, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112034160845177896668/reviews'}], u'geometry': {u'location': {u'lat': 32.2752305, u'lng': -95.30604389999999}, u'viewport': {u'northeast': {u'lat': 32.2766632302915, u'lng': -95.30478201970848}, u'southwest': {u'lat': 32.2739652697085, u'lng': -95.3074799802915}}}, u'status': u'OK', u'current_opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'close': {u'date': u'2025-01-22', u'time': u'2359', u'day': 3, u'truncated': True}, u'open': {u'date': u'2025-01-16', u'time': u'0000', u'day': 4, u'truncated': True}}]}, u'address_components': [{u'long_name': u'Suite 200', u'short_name': u'Suite 200', u'types': [u'subpremise']}, {u'long_name': u'6724', u'short_name': u'6724', u'types': [u'street_number']}, {u'long_name': u'South Broadway Avenue', u'short_name': u'S Broadway Ave', u'types': [u'route']}, {u'long_name': u'Tyler', u'short_name': u'Tyler', u'types': [u'locality', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Smith County', u'short_name': u'Smith County', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_2', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Texas', u'short_name': u'TX', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_1', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'United States', u'short_name': u'US', u'types': [u'country', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'75703', u'short_name': u'75703', u'types': [u'postal_code']}], u'_id': ObjectId('67895245559bbd77b2a71f94')}


Mister Sparky®


(631 Reviews)
Scott Cargil Profile Image

Scott Cargil

"I called to set up an appointment and they came out that morning and fixed my problem. Paul did a great job and was very professional. This is photos of before and after. I am very pleased with the job that was done and will use these folks again and will recommend them to all my family and friends"

Morgan MyChelle Profile Image

Morgan MyChelle

"Both technicians were polite, straightforward and worked quickly and efficiently. I was able to get an appointment right away. The entire process was smooth and easy to navigate. I really liked that they sent me a picture and text confirmation of the tech that would be showing up to my house."

Jeff Schwartz Profile Image

Jeff Schwartz

"I set up an appointment on a Monday for Tuesday at 9 AM and Paul was there at 9. He looked at the work needed and promised to have an estimate that afternoon. I had it before lunch. The cost was very reasonable so I set up an appointment for the next day. Ashton arrived on time and completed the emergency generator transfer switch installation in less than two hours. Great job all the way around. Highly recommend Mister Sparky."

Terry Aycock Profile Image

Terry Aycock

"The two young men, Paul and Ashton, that came out were very professional and pleasant young men. The work done appears to be just fine. The only concern was the cost of re-wiring the GFCI connections. There were two outlets which needed minor adjustments which took a total of 10 minutes to fix. I watched on one of them so I know my calculations are correct. The cost was outrageous: $384.00 for that. That is what the bill notated. The only reason you are not getting 5 stars is because of that."

Susan Tandy Profile Image

Susan Tandy

"The Ritz Carlton of Electricians! On time, fair pricing, clean cut~ collared shirt, immaculate mannered, utterly patient. I could go on and on...offered to wear booties, sweep up after job. We were so greatly impressed with the professionalism from Ostin. It's so refreshing to have a contractor in your home that cares about it as much as you do. I will now call no other than Mr. Sparky!"

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