{u'rating': 4.9, u'reference': u'ChIJcTyxxAtV2WURQa5wwZJdsFw', u'place_id': u'ChIJcTyxxAtV2WURQa5wwZJdsFw', u'utc_offset': -420, u'international_phone_number': u'+1 480-646-4029', u'formatted_address': u'4055 E Camino St, Mesa, AZ 85205, USA', u'formatted_phone_number': u'(480) 646-4029', u'opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'open': {u'day': 0, u'time': u'0000'}}]}, u'vicinity': u'4055 East Camino Street, Mesa', u'business_status': u'OPERATIONAL', u'icon_mask_base_uri': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v2/generic_pinlet', u'website': u'https://www.mistersparky.com/mesa-chandler/', u'last_fetched': 1737310358, u'user_ratings_total': 168, u'photos': [{u'width': 6720, u'height': 4480, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27xNnqenPrM28y4lLWRhDx_86vv_e5b3754MM0mUceTywdHPp7DrcdO3Uzvqik1hnPLjuZRVRKBcBYktKScIhJmIvTfHodg0JDHG9OP9rsfRDK4HkCqYFeuI1J_G4J5e6nnXx50lR81HWU-lUbDN-zeZGJNT7K4cj1r3JlNj6G_txWyR', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/114472560285884511520">Mister Sparky\xae of Phoenix</a>']}, {u'width': 6720, u'height': 4480, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27xtfY7us01BgfjsVnsXKHHINZjTwfQE-OJ5TtD53LNcw_o7Zc2nL4NJQj3Ayk5GzHLlnKpRK86THEUV__dbTbiXPREbbXKyP9o2SI6FzHeXedFAt08Byf1Bs0mYlQcITz5lOAgNfCxtxDFq_n8O8wad0Uvhw5km-nS8BgbEhNn8dOiY', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/114472560285884511520">Mister Sparky\xae of Phoenix</a>']}, {u'width': 4284, u'height': 5712, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27ztn-dbt-qhwObX8ayWVhxENdpG7X-269n_JadEUgrSJOsCGJRhUwnqKj1eTRaA5qcBBpe5RJcAPwb9q0h1R0ot2KwHGtRSS5ZJ5mluh2Z1tl5GmFVa57uNOCC4frH9F6sPNU-Gz2lR-ythFYoyDG5We3rGGz38VlbEMAvcQVP5OEAV', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/114745218533703585048">Paul Rossi</a>']}, {u'width': 6720, u'height': 4480, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27zCQVxtpSHiL6PQorWV5gjgWdBPBoq-TIbvfsSFiadLstdkfHu7nkF_5USW-Gm5PZBjiT0hnRJzZXFaVCkthvgh0wmBfnu9QqKBrZVGc6pEWQl-837a7UhJ_MSXaK1rRzrFkcXPMSvs9nyopXx1i_dR-fejz4HdOiBap5zQmGcB3WYH', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/114472560285884511520">Mister Sparky\xae of Phoenix</a>']}, {u'width': 2240, u'height': 1495, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27wfMW9Ad5IbhVqOpAWBohkdqkKEEEp6K8mNAXDojMlqZZ4WCMujL_viQqcIgAIbwbf4uQDr8oiloHTQVLtCC_X--nI0dmZnaSxbpQ0ziPHWu646-HYDvy9I4nO0GUs25tio3MDCZBiXwiX7219Zd3Efi0lkuN0CalL1HGrcQ4PKKGgb', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/114472560285884511520">Mister Sparky\xae of Phoenix</a>']}, {u'width': 4284, u'height': 5712, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27wE6frA53B4UUOQzW-7f4nVmnXfc9UylUVeot6NF3TJDwx1_1Zj5kMBvGbV2bU2Ez39Tf2Imlt3r9QpE4eppNoGcO5AOCtueReApszLc0oLFqREgVzSeXDeKG_oA88e94ioWadoaePgCPMSBKJTfjvXZWwWBXiutZN6DbEWz-mKI4Er', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/114745218533703585048">Paul Rossi</a>']}, {u'width': 3024, u'height': 4032, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27xUyWsaY-fHz3jm0YMNSfBDlfuHrfeQiyKCYU5M3U7W6oDGUNdnXDLVefoI2McVcI1-YMx7oTdYCm_MQ7-mWdGZhcKV9gReE8eTaAwY4BLw9IGcVmTzL-ZuKCSd7Ody4KdhBBu32JKGwJNOlnsMq6xkIb99-vhUGzkX067A8D_VnORW', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100037238631282815051">Gino Porazzo</a>']}, {u'width': 4032, u'height': 1816, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27ypmnODJsE1wCysp36Np_wc3veGLHN0SmwEH0g1PmmKNwxWXM3Q5YN5HVPEGMJuMKUU6ceCLx1yTL2UnhD3JVvB-50u_uvgoxYXGFNqpWMrWlALVees3k8SlH3CNRZw8XWLsRIb9zSmwCIAIwrCGhQXaE6mojdKe8akB5JrFi8ld55R', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/108258891119431806904">james miller</a>']}, {u'width': 3024, u'height': 4032, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27x57Cv4kIxU2_krOrYh9eK64sfKaCck9zzntgvYpXC17PKYjPfG-fA4hNKqPxccRluu4qjEPBBM5Je_jh6NqSdSBCM5J8xGy3eO4UaroF-9_tWHaIN2e5oC6O4TlauXOkVehF0QuYT-vSAkcAq-jChjrizIWJpQ6sqW7ds00pnV7eS2', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/109483030587886414564">Harry Gaul</a>']}, {u'width': 3000, u'height': 4000, u'photo_reference': u'AWYs27w5Wb6vh_0MPnD4BhhJRGvXAfnZmN6UJiqVZCnpJtJTzmyD4D0KcTsIOeVZzZxu8G4m_HseYevhepe_kStwDDKF-oUIzg_L9sSphrvMx8jH5BYfbHA7Zx7IZWxOdnNVX6zrJ9E5Nne5U87Id0UFm6AoOtSYSDP7Qak4mTPSNevdkCVJ', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/116265972001343917402">chuc murray</a>']}], u'types': [u'electrician', u'point_of_interest', u'establishment'], u'icon': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v1/png_71/generic_business-71.png', u'name': u'Mister Sparky\xae of Mesa & Chandler', u'url': u'https://maps.google.com/?cid=6678941132282441281', u'adr_address': u'<span class="street-address">4055 E Camino St</span>, <span class="locality">Mesa</span>, <span class="region">AZ</span> <span class="postal-code">85205</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>', u'whitelabel_id': 462, u'plus_code': {u'compound_code': u'C7F4+GR Mesa, AZ, USA', u'global_code': u'855CC7F4+GR'}, u'icon_background_color': u'#7B9EB0', u'reviews': [{u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLik_RrecySM9aYXG4HvAxvHsL1BCCVrDZd0clkH2vgGrAYyw=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Michael Bennett did a phenomenal jog installing my 2 Venetian Chandeliers. He was very patient putting them together with extreme accuracy. He has a friendly personality and is very enthusiastic. When I was working I wish I could find an associate like him. In my opinion he is a keeper. Thank you Michael', 'review_content': u'Michael Bennett did a phenomenal jog installing my 2 Venetian Chandeliers. He was very patient putting them together with extreme accuracy. He has a friendly personality and is very enthusiastic. When I was working I wish I could find an associate like him. In my opinion he is a keeper. Thank you Michael', u'author_name': u'Paul Rossi', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 21, 21, 14, 20), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Paul Rossi', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1732223660, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/114745218533703585048/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocKrmw0j0A66ag3_gwo8Z_rJYPAEA9kwAtlzKcx51SlpEDRL2w=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba4', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Mr Jeiel Munoz was outstanding very professional. Showed me defective wiring in my panel. There were many things failing. This Gentleman was professional. Our safety in our home was foremost. You can use me as a reference. This Mr. Is a real professional and outstanding rep. For your company. Thank you', 'review_content': u'Mr Jeiel Munoz was outstanding very professional. Showed me defective wiring in my panel. There were many things failing. This Gentleman was professional. Our safety in our home was foremost. You can use me as a reference. This Mr. Is a real professional and outstanding rep. For your company. Thank you', u'author_name': u'chuc murray', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 25, 0, 13, 1), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'chuc murray', u'relative_time_description': u'2 months ago', u'time': 1729815181, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/116265972001343917402/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocIu_f22aMCIN7VBgAj4JKVatc58xgYX1Ro_Gmm8qZjgyqD3MA=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Isaiah came out the same day and was amazing! Our fire alarm wouldn\u2019t stop going off for no reason and we called them and they came out the same day. Isaiah was kind, knowledgeable, and provided great service. He was able to replace the defective fire alarm within the same appointment. Prices were great! Isaiah was the best and I can\u2019t recommend them enough! He was even great with my pup \U0001f60a def will use again', 'review_content': u'Isaiah came out the same day and was amazing! Our fire alarm wouldn\u2019t stop going off for no reason and we called them and they came out the same day. Isaiah was kind, knowledgeable, and provided great service. He was able to replace the defective fire alarm within the same appointment. Prices were great! Isaiah was the best and I can\u2019t recommend them enough! He was even great with my pup \U0001f60a def will use again', u'author_name': u'Allison Schoenike', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 11, 21, 31, 16), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Allison Schoenike', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1733952676, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/108150802407634111420/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLQ8fMl80va3NOAdhurcMYS-F1KXuYZJs7nfGvKWII3QxSK1w=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Zach Conlin, Mister Sparky electrician did an excellent job. We recently had him install three smart switches and two fans in my home. I was very impressed with his professionalism and expertise throughout the process. He was courteous and patient, taking the time to answer all my questions.\n\nWhen one of the fans was found to be the wrong size, he promptly returned to resolve the issue without any hassle. His knowledge of the products was evident, and he made sure everything was installed perfectly. I highly recommend his services!', 'review_content': u'Zach Conlin, Mister Sparky electrician did an excellent job. We recently had him install three smart switches and two fans in my home. I was very impressed with his professionalism and expertise throughout the process. He was courteous and patient, taking the time to answer all my questions.\n\nWhen one of the fans was found to be the wrong size, he promptly returned to resolve the issue without any hassle. His knowledge of the products was evident, and he made sure everything was installed perfectly. I highly recommend his services!', u'author_name': u"Anna O'Ryan", 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 12, 1, 30, 57), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u"Anna O'Ryan", u'relative_time_description': u'3 months ago', u'time': 1728696657, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112894650670098809771/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocL1qAZeDARr19ayWu4TG7_0ctCn5osfUu0EaVQloRJM0XncRg=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Damion was awesome! He is very knowledgeable and professional. Fixed my issue super quick.\nI appreciate his hard work. Will definitely be using this company again', 'review_content': u'Damion was awesome! He is very knowledgeable and professional. Fixed my issue super quick.\nI appreciate his hard work. Will definitely be using this company again', u'author_name': u'Madeleine', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 7, 17, 39, 46), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Madeleine', u'relative_time_description': u'a week ago', u'time': 1736271586, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/104540855709874673151/reviews'}], u'geometry': {u'location': {u'lat': 33.4238544, u'lng': -111.7428803}, u'viewport': {u'northeast': {u'lat': 33.4253040802915, u'lng': -111.7415317697085}, u'southwest': {u'lat': 33.4226061197085, u'lng': -111.7442297302915}}}, u'status': u'OK', u'current_opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'close': {u'date': u'2025-01-25', u'time': u'2359', u'day': 6, u'truncated': True}, u'open': {u'date': u'2025-01-19', u'time': u'0000', u'day': 0, u'truncated': True}}]}, u'address_components': [{u'long_name': u'4055', u'short_name': u'4055', u'types': [u'street_number']}, {u'long_name': u'East Camino Street', u'short_name': u'E Camino St', u'types': [u'route']}, {u'long_name': u'University Hills', u'short_name': u'University Hills', u'types': [u'neighborhood', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Mesa', u'short_name': u'Mesa', u'types': [u'locality', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Maricopa County', u'short_name': u'Maricopa County', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_2', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Arizona', u'short_name': u'AZ', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_1', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'United States', u'short_name': u'US', u'types': [u'country', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'85205', u'short_name': u'85205', u'types': [u'postal_code']}], u'_id': ObjectId('678d4097702125e77fd60e4a')}


Mister Sparky®


(168 Reviews)
Paul Rossi Profile Image

Paul Rossi

"Michael Bennett did a phenomenal jog installing my 2 Venetian Chandeliers. He was very patient putting them together with extreme accuracy. He has a friendly personality and is very enthusiastic. When I was working I wish I could find an associate like him. In my opinion he is a keeper. Thank you Michael"

chuc murray Profile Image

chuc murray

"Mr Jeiel Munoz was outstanding very professional. Showed me defective wiring in my panel. There were many things failing. This Gentleman was professional. Our safety in our home was foremost. You can use me as a reference. This Mr. Is a real professional and outstanding rep. For your company. Thank you"

Allison Schoenike Profile Image

Allison Schoenike

"Isaiah came out the same day and was amazing! Our fire alarm wouldn’t stop going off for no reason and we called them and they came out the same day. Isaiah was kind, knowledgeable, and provided great service. He was able to replace the defective fire alarm within the same appointment. Prices were great! Isaiah was the best and I can’t recommend them enough! He was even great with my pup 😊 def will use again"

Anna O'Ryan Profile Image

Anna O'Ryan

"Zach Conlin, Mister Sparky electrician did an excellent job. We recently had him install three smart switches and two fans in my home. I was very impressed with his professionalism and expertise throughout the process. He was courteous and patient, taking the time to answer all my questions. When one of the fans was found to be the wrong size, he promptly returned to resolve the issue without any hassle. His knowledge of the products was evident, and he made sure everything was installed perfectly. I highly recommend his services!"

Madeleine Profile Image


"Damion was awesome! He is very knowledgeable and professional. Fixed my issue super quick. I appreciate his hard work. Will definitely be using this company again"

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