{u'rating': 4.8, u'reference': u'ChIJ_ZY93THPwogRAFoab36gf8Q', u'place_id': u'ChIJ_ZY93THPwogRAFoab36gf8Q', u'utc_offset': -300, u'international_phone_number': u'+1 813-358-4850', u'formatted_address': u'5808 N 56th St, Tampa, FL 33610, USA', u'formatted_phone_number': u'(813) 358-4850', u'opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'open': {u'day': 0, u'time': u'0000'}}]}, u'vicinity': u'5808 North 56th Street, Tampa', u'business_status': u'OPERATIONAL', u'icon_mask_base_uri': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v2/generic_pinlet', u'website': u'https://tampamistersparky.com/?utm_source=GBP&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=tampagbp', u'last_fetched': 1738954810, u'user_ratings_total': 1853, u'photos': [{u'width': 1066, u'height': 599, u'photo_reference': 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href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/104950272371179641211">Mister Sparky\xae</a>']}, {u'width': 2592, u'height': 1936, u'photo_reference': u'AVzFdbkn4lQKAWqzIr5YylStay-qPYGcVSWI4QU1BRgw6hkDmmjC5Schv9vQ0NiXnjEFZNHnR7ZPahZDpsHKIlxVMlP2bt0BMkWai_8qEaXMJZEsgBw4AZjaJDS3u4HDubXb67Ku3qFufSy8myIod3xFW72PoBUKaZDmLN4cPZHnyNpkWXz2', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/104950272371179641211">Mister Sparky\xae</a>']}, {u'width': 608, u'height': 1080, u'photo_reference': u'AVzFdblXeuUrnV0TE2Su4mcL71-e_iuwyQo9Y_DU_9PNUi1IfxHEY0c2tGDvwh_drVjk0d7NEI-S5ALfBitJ13qTAtN2YcZlHWkGre4MgrwIHGdWTWMYC5pbyULp1HmJhqwqt5x9OXtZgxGuTmrClmGx3t12JaIrMUMVqa3RtGo043AywVob', u'html_attributions': [u'<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/104950272371179641211">Mister Sparky\xae</a>']}], u'types': [u'electrician', u'point_of_interest', u'establishment'], u'icon': u'https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v1/png_71/generic_business-71.png', u'name': u'Mister Sparky\xae', u'url': u'https://maps.google.com/?cid=14159212218366450176', u'adr_address': u'<span class="street-address">5808 N 56th St</span>, <span class="locality">Tampa</span>, <span class="region">FL</span> <span class="postal-code">33610</span>, <span class="country-name">USA</span>', u'whitelabel_id': 462, u'plus_code': {u'compound_code': u'XJPV+G2 Tampa, FL, USA', u'global_code': u'76VVXJPV+G2'}, u'icon_background_color': u'#7B9EB0', u'reviews': [{u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWzER8Kczgh6x0uwdbUYd1myHr_zvJ9TyFa9t4FdJ_1mQeVMZ_B-Q=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u"I can't say enough how glad I am we booked with Mister Sparky! Ian was the electrician that came out and he did such a great job. It wasn't a simple task and with our older house it was quiet the puzzle to figure out but he was confident and didn't give up. He was also very genuine and honest which is important qualities in my opinion. Everything is working perfectly now! We will definitely be using them again if needed in the future. Thank you so much Ian!", 'review_content': u"I can't say enough how glad I am we booked with Mister Sparky! Ian was the electrician that came out and he did such a great job. It wasn't a simple task and with our older house it was quiet the puzzle to figure out but he was confident and didn't give up. He was also very genuine and honest which is important qualities in my opinion. Everything is working perfectly now! We will definitely be using them again if needed in the future. Thank you so much Ian!", u'author_name': u'Melanie Ledea', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 6, 15, 37, 49), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Melanie Ledea', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1736177869, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/109625485658165642818/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjU_H86djqA6KsAIHAC2d4qPOxCcpiYpz7oYF3Lj6EzR4y5yCMMd=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'Josh arrived early and gave me a thorough inspection and a quote on what all was needed. He gave me a fair price on what I wanted done and completed the work quickly and professionally. He was very friendly and explained things well. I will definitely do business with Mister Sparky again in the future.', 'review_content': u'Josh arrived early and gave me a thorough inspection and a quote on what all was needed. He gave me a fair price on what I wanted done and completed the work quickly and professionally. He was very friendly and explained things well. I will definitely do business with Mister Sparky again in the future.', u'author_name': u'Tommy Gladney', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 31, 18, 11, 3), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Tommy Gladney', u'relative_time_description': u'a month ago', u'time': 1735668663, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/110907209656260407803/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLgMyd7JaxaPaFyhjxJJo03ALXaKE4hP6HPSdQS9IwptWoe_w=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u'This is the second time I have used Mr Sparky - both times were exceptional. This time to do a large, outdoor fan/light installation. Larry, was extremely knowledgeable and experienced. He had never installed this exact type of fan before, but he quickly figured out. Based on these two experiences, I will never call anyone but Mr Sparky for my electric requirements. Professional, courteous, and a pleasure to work with. I could not be happier.', 'review_content': u'This is the second time I have used Mr Sparky - both times were exceptional. This time to do a large, outdoor fan/light installation. Larry, was extremely knowledgeable and experienced. He had never installed this exact type of fan before, but he quickly figured out. Based on these two experiences, I will never call anyone but Mr Sparky for my electric requirements. Professional, courteous, and a pleasure to work with. I could not be happier.', u'author_name': u'Andrew Schlaepfer', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 3, 17, 52, 32), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Andrew Schlaepfer', u'relative_time_description': u'in the last week', u'time': 1738605152, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/111812656606237759066/reviews'}, {u'rating': 5, u'profile_photo_url': u'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjUeMP85DQl6tOdeHDc79lIamUg3zjTsBMHE9nWJ4ZXYMLMTwF3K=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo', u'language': u'en', u'text': u"Curtis Litten from Mr. Sparky was fantastic! He fixed some breakers for my kitchen and master bedroom, and he even cleaned out a wasp nest from the outside breaker box. I don't know much about electrical stuff, but I felt really confident with Curtis. He was professional and nice throughout the entire process. Plus, the company gave a 36-month warranty on all the work. Highly recommend Curtis for any electrical work \u2013 he\u2019s awesome!", 'review_content': u"Curtis Litten from Mr. Sparky was fantastic! He fixed some breakers for my kitchen and master bedroom, and he even cleaned out a wasp nest from the outside breaker box. I don't know much about electrical stuff, but I felt really confident with Curtis. He was professional and nice throughout the entire process. Plus, the company gave a 36-month warranty on all the work. Highly recommend Curtis for any electrical work \u2013 he\u2019s awesome!", u'author_name': u'Nicole Chaplin', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2025, 1, 25, 21, 5, 58), 'review_rating': 5, 'review_author': u'Nicole Chaplin', u'relative_time_description': u'a week ago', u'time': 1737839158, u'translated': False, u'original_language': u'en', u'author_url': u'https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/104583177808361892245/reviews'}], u'geometry': {u'location': {u'lat': 27.9862665, u'lng': -82.3573878}, u'viewport': {u'northeast': {u'lat': 27.9876149302915, u'lng': -82.3560791697085}, u'southwest': {u'lat': 27.9849169697085, u'lng': -82.3587771302915}}}, u'status': u'OK', u'current_opening_hours': {u'weekday_text': [u'Monday: Open 24 hours', u'Tuesday: Open 24 hours', u'Wednesday: Open 24 hours', u'Thursday: Open 24 hours', u'Friday: Open 24 hours', u'Saturday: Open 24 hours', u'Sunday: Open 24 hours'], u'open_now': True, u'periods': [{u'close': {u'date': u'2025-02-13', u'time': u'2359', u'day': 4, u'truncated': True}, u'open': {u'date': u'2025-02-07', u'time': u'0000', u'day': 5, u'truncated': True}}]}, u'address_components': [{u'long_name': u'5808', u'short_name': u'5808', u'types': [u'street_number']}, {u'long_name': u'North 56th Street', u'short_name': u'N 56th St', u'types': [u'route']}, {u'long_name': u'Tampa', u'short_name': u'Tampa', u'types': [u'locality', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Hillsborough County', u'short_name': u'Hillsborough County', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_2', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'Florida', u'short_name': u'FL', u'types': [u'administrative_area_level_1', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'United States', u'short_name': u'US', u'types': [u'country', u'political']}, {u'long_name': u'33610', u'short_name': u'33610', u'types': [u'postal_code']}], u'_id': ObjectId('67a6583ad649d14596b473b9')}


Mister Sparky®


(1853 Reviews)
Melanie Ledea Profile Image

Melanie Ledea

"I can't say enough how glad I am we booked with Mister Sparky! Ian was the electrician that came out and he did such a great job. It wasn't a simple task and with our older house it was quiet the puzzle to figure out but he was confident and didn't give up. He was also very genuine and honest which is important qualities in my opinion. Everything is working perfectly now! We will definitely be using them again if needed in the future. Thank you so much Ian!"

Tommy Gladney Profile Image

Tommy Gladney

"Josh arrived early and gave me a thorough inspection and a quote on what all was needed. He gave me a fair price on what I wanted done and completed the work quickly and professionally. He was very friendly and explained things well. I will definitely do business with Mister Sparky again in the future."

Andrew Schlaepfer Profile Image

Andrew Schlaepfer

"This is the second time I have used Mr Sparky - both times were exceptional. This time to do a large, outdoor fan/light installation. Larry, was extremely knowledgeable and experienced. He had never installed this exact type of fan before, but he quickly figured out. Based on these two experiences, I will never call anyone but Mr Sparky for my electric requirements. Professional, courteous, and a pleasure to work with. I could not be happier."

Nicole Chaplin Profile Image

Nicole Chaplin

"Curtis Litten from Mr. Sparky was fantastic! He fixed some breakers for my kitchen and master bedroom, and he even cleaned out a wasp nest from the outside breaker box. I don't know much about electrical stuff, but I felt really confident with Curtis. He was professional and nice throughout the entire process. Plus, the company gave a 36-month warranty on all the work. Highly recommend Curtis for any electrical work – he’s awesome!"

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