Although fall is just around the corner, it’s still very hot outside.

That means our energy costs will still be very high. Last month, Texas declared an energy conservation emergency as temperatures across much of the state approached or exceeded 100 degrees. That prompted the Texas Energy Reliability Council to issue an appeal to all the state’s consumers of electric power to limit and reduce their usage during the peak demand hours of 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Temperatures are not likely to get much cooler this month, but we can take some steps to lower our individual energy consumption. Keeping your cooling system thermostat set at a certain temperature and installing ceiling fans to circulate air are just some ways to help keep your overall energy usage low and lessen the strain on your wallet.

  • First, adjust the thermostat to 78 degrees when nobody is home. Since nobody is home, this allows your home cooling system to take a break before everyone gets home when systems work the hardest to cool. You can always adjust it when you get home.
  • Limit the use of appliances during peak hours of the day. That means use washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and other heavy appliances during evening hours when your system is not competing with daylight heat.
  • Close draperies, shades or blinds during the heat of the day to reduce the extra heat from direct sunlight.
  • Turn lights off and unplugs equipment in all unoccupied rooms. Lights and running appliances generate a substantial amount of heat. Cell phone chargers, DVD players, microwave ovens and other appliances use energy even when turned off or in sleep mode.
  • During evening hours, try ventilating your home by opening windows and doors. This will to clear out the heat and allow cooler air to circulate. Experts say ceiling fans help keep temperatures 2 degrees cooler. Keeping them on prevents your cooling system from working too hard when you are home.

For additional information, please contact Mister Sparky® of San Antonio at (210) 899-2430 today.