When you live in Florida, power outages are not unheard of. There are a number of reasons the power could go out during the summer. Issues could include anything from a powerful tropical storm or problems running your AC system. No matter what the cause, it’s important to be prepared for every situation. Here are some tips to make sure you’re ready:

  • Make sure you have plenty of fresh batteries and flashlights at all times.
  • Keep battery-powered communication devices on hands – such as TVs and radios.
  • Invest in a power generator before your power goes out so you won’t lose your AC. Our team offers both generator installation and repair services.
  • Keep the emergency number for JEA on hand. They frequently have updates about area power outages or you can report the outage to have a tech come and take care of the issue.
  • Keep your cellphone charged when you know there is inclement weather coming.

If your power isn’t coming back on, the electricians at Mister Sparky® First Coast are available. Whether you are seeking a Ponte Vedre electrician or need someone to come out to your home in Arlington, our dedicated staff are ready to assist you with your power problems.