If you’ve experienced an electrical humming noise in your house, you know how maddening it can be. Tracking down a humming electrical outlet, panel, bulb, or other source isn’t always easy. Your ears aren’t playing tricks on you! Hums and buzz noises from outlets and devices are relatively common, and while most aren’t a cause for concern, it’s worth investigating to avoid any electrical issues down the line. 

Find out what causes humming or high-pitched electrical noises in the house and when to call the professionals for help.

What Causes an Electrical Humming Noise?

Some electrical buzzing noises are irritating but have a harmless cause. Others are caused by bad wiring or electrical failure and can be dangerous. If you’re unsure of the source of the noise or think it poses a safety risk, shut down the device or circuit making the hum and schedule a safety inspection.

Here are the common sources of electrical noise and how to fix each of them:

Light bulbs – When light bulbs are buzzing, it’s usually caused by the voltage applied to the bulb or frequent changes to voltage. If the offending bulb is connected to a dimmer switch or a multi-bulb fixture, there’s a good chance the filament is vibrating. Opt for an energy efficient LED bulb or replace it with a dimmer-compatible bulb to stop the hum.

Gas or electrical meter – Modern energy meters are almost completely silent, but older models can emit a low hum or vibration sound. If you’re sure the noise is coming from your meter, contact your utility company for assistance. They may replace the unit and resolve the problem!

Electrical panel – Any noise from your electrical panel can be worrying, but don’t fret. In most cases, a humming electrical panel is normal if it’s only audible when you’re nearby. If you can hear it from across the room or another floor in your house, that is a cause for concern. Contact your local Mister Sparky Electric immediately to address damaged wires or circuits. 

Electrical outlets – If you’ve located the source of an electric hum to an outlet, do a little extra diagnosing.

If the outlet makes a noise when something is plugged in, it could be caused by a vibrating faceplate or cover.

If the outlet is making a high-pitched noise, it’s likely due to loose wiring. This is especially common in older homes.

Light switches – Buzzing or humming light switches are usually caused by loose wiring, just like an outlet. A buzzing light switch is dangerous because it’s a high-touch contact point that poses a risk of electric shock. Avoid using a humming light switch; have it inspected or replaced by an experienced electrician.

Power blocks – If you only hear an electric humming noise at night, check your phone charger. As USB power blocks age, they’re prone to vibrating when under load. When things quiet down at home and you plug in your phone for the evening, you’re more likely to hear the noise of a worn charger.

How to Find the Source of an Electrical Hum

Now that you have a list of usual suspects, use these simple tools to address that buzz, hum, or intermittent vibration noise in the house!

  • Use the breaker box: Before you invest too much time, make sure it’s really an electrical sound. Turn off all the circuits in your electrical panel first; if you can still hear the hum, it’s not due to your electrical system. If you confirm that it really is an electrical hum you’re hearing, go back to square one: Turn off the electricity in different zones of your home, leaving only one turned off at a time, to see if you can identify the area where the sound is being emitted.
  • Make an ear trumpet: An ear trumpet is simply a small, hollow horn that makes nearby sounds easier to hear when the small end is placed over your ear. You can improvise with a funnel, an old megaphone, or even a rolled-up piece of paper. Walk around your home with your ear trumpet and listen for the source of the electrical humming noise. Alternatively, try using a cheap drugstore stethoscope to listen to various surfaces.
  • Use a microphone and headphones: If you have access to audio recording equipment, a good condenser microphone may help you zero in on what direction the noise is coming from. Set one up to feed directly into high-quality headphones for a tech-powered investigation.

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Home’s Electrical System

When identifying and fixing electrical problems, your cell phone is your best tool. Mister Sparky Electric is always one call away for inspections, emergency repairs, and installation services. We bring friendly, professional electrical know-how to every appointment. Book an estimate or call (888) 826-0091 today!